Without water, there is no life.
Bottled water, one of the most absurd businesses in the world. A cartoon for World Water...
Today is World Water Day. Some have plenty, many others lack access to water. Check out...
The theme of World Water Day 2021 is valuing water. The value of water is about much more...
The real war has just begun. Many people may become victims in this war.
Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human right. https://www.unwater.org/water...
Water is getting increasingly scarce. Visit our collection for more cartoons about water.
Is water a human right, or should it belong to major corporations and be treated as a...
In some countries in this world, water is already becoming more valuable than money. Click...
A land without water is a world without life. Click here to see our entire collection of...
Is drinking water a fundamental human right? Nestlé, currently the leading producer of...
In many development country's many children can't go to school because every day they...
As the planet continues to add population, and as the climate continues to get hotter, the...
For a growing proportion of the world population, access to fresh water is becoming a...
This cartoon is part of an educational project we've done in cooperation with Lot's...
Save plants, save life, save the planet. Visit our collection for more cartoons about wate...
The hard currency of the future. If you want to see more cartoons about water, please...