
Vasco Gargalo is a portuguese cartoonist, born in 1977 in Vila Franca de Xira, a friendly town in Portugal. He became a father for the first time in 2011. Being a freelance press Cartoonist and Illustrator, his work has been publish in several national and international media – some of his best illustrations can be seen in newspapers and magazines such as “Sábado Magazine”; “Newspaper I”; “Daily News”(portuguese press); "Courrier International”; “Groene Amsterdammer Magazine"; Spotsatire Magazine” (international press). He is a regular collaborator with the Cartoon Movement and has participated in several exhibitions and festivals throughout Portugal, taking part in major European Cartoon Contests. In 2016, Gargalo received four Honorable Mentions: -The United Nations / Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Award 2016. -The 1st Kuwait cartoon festival 2016. -The 9th Edition of D. Quichotte International Cartoon Contest/Quo Vadis Europe/Journey of Hope. -The "18th World Festival PortoCartoon". In 2014, he was awarded with a special prize at the "Bienal de Humor Luis d`Oliveira Guimarães Competition". In 2009, he won the Stuart Award, in the category “cartoon press”. In 2005, he won the Illustration Youth Award, at the "National Hall Press Humor" and received a Honorable Mention at the "Portuguese-Galician Hall of Caricature". “Drawing for the freedom of speech is his higher purpose!"