Our international network of cartoonists draws about that most endemic of international injustices.
The rich do not like to be bothered by the hungry and the poor. Check out our collections...
Oxfam report: Poverty has increased for the first time in 25 years. At the same time, the...
Around the world, rich countries continue to build physical barriers against the...
The pandemic pushes hundreds of millions of people toward starvation and poverty. Visit...
More and more people find themselves in financial trouble, due to the economic crisis...
The division between richer and poorer peoples worldwide will only become a more intense...
"in a report from washington post, 43 percent of american citizens are living in poverty."...
Tomorrow is Labor day, a good day to be aware of all the inequality in our world.
Each day there is more poor people's and some rich peoples do nothing to abolish hunger...
Cartoon about the global relationship between rich and poor. Visit our collection to see...
There is a complex, existential, exploitative link between the rich and the poor. Visit...
Poverty is on the rise because of the pandemic. Politicians make promises, but will they...
Some people are born rich, others are less lucky and have to work hard to change their...
When inequality becomes injustice. Visit our collections to see more cartoons about povert...