
President at World Art Games- Syria

cartoon awards:

  • Web Award at the Festival of Diva Romania -2006
  • Special Award competition pens - Syria -2007
  • Third prize in international women's competition - Syria 2007
  • Competition Award (support street children) - Iran 2008
  • Special Award of the festival Tabriz - Iran – 2008 -the third prize in Syrian press festival-2008
  • the web site prize fifth international Syrian contest 2009 panel member of the forth international Syriancontest. 2008
Climate change and heat wave

The current heat wave is the direct answer to climate change skeptics .

Syrian child

Syrian children at the age of 15 have witnessed all the tragedies of history combined.

Spot Like

When a woman has to live in a shell of like .

Underage marriage .

Some societies still commit the crime of marrying off underage girls, according to backward custo

violence against Woman .

Women in many societies live under patriarchal dictatorship .

sexual discrimination .

when you are treated differently because of your sex .

marital rape .

Many women remain silent in the face of sexual violence by their husbands, especially in the Midd

child recruitment .

About Recruitment of children in wars .

Society Prison

Sometimes we are forced and sometimes we go voluntarily to our prison, which the other has drawn

Sports & slavery

Some sporting events are built on slavery.

Rich and poor

There is a complex, existential, exploitative link between the rich and the poor.

Marital rape

Marital rape or spousal rape is the act of sexual intercourse with one's spouse without the

Honor crimes

Some countries in the East are steeped in some traditions that require a man to kill a woman who