
She's cartoonist free-lance and professor of illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. She has designed for many periodicals such as Diario, Corriere della Sera, l'Antitempo and Il Fatto Quotidiano. Recent collaborations are those for SinéMadame, the weekly Left, the French magazines Espoir and Zélium and, online, with CartoonMovement and Quarantinedreams. Many international awards received for her graphic and editorial activity. Among them: the First Prize at the World Press Freedom Cartoon, Ottawa, 2011, and the Prize Forte dei Marmi per la Satira politica for Satirical Cartoon, 2013. In 2018, she received the highest distinction at the World Press Cartoon, Caldas da Raínha, Portugal: the Grand Prix and at the same time the First Prize for the Editorial Cartoon category. It was a woman's first time during the 13 editions of the festival. She’s a member of Cartooning for Peace, United Sketches, France Cartoon, and Cartoon Movement. She’s also a member of Scientific Council of Librexpression/Libex.

The three Persuaders

Giorgia Meloni, Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini, united for the next elections.

The New Far West

The Supreme Court cancels the Roe vs Wade on abortion.

Guns and fetuses

UNITED STATES: US Supreme Court enshrines right to bear arms outside the home .

Stolen bodies

About the law on voluntary termination of pregnancy, the Supreme Court of the United States and t


3 May - World Press Freedom Day -
About cancel culture and silence.

Humanitarian corridors

Escape from Ukraine, escape from war.

Women for Peace

There are two women at the helm of the European Union in the heart of Europe: Ursula Von der Leye

Humanitarian corridor

Europe, the fortress of Europe, opens a passage for refugees from Ukraine.

The sunflower

In Solidarity With The Ukrainian People.