Born in 1964 - Previously photojournalist - full-time professional political cartoonist since 1997 . Resident cartoonist at the Bangkok-based newspaper THE NATION since 2003.
WW1 commemorations
Trump seeks refuge in the trenches of World War One
Democrats regain control of lower house at Midterm elections
WWF says that this generation is the very last generation that can save nature
TRump wants to end birthright citizenship by executive order
Far-right is coming to Brazil with posible victory of Bolsonaro
When it comes to State-sponsored assassination cover-up, Saudi Arabia could take a few lessons fr
Khashoggi murder plot and how Turkey is using it for its own geopolitical advantage
Khashoggi murder plot
Attacks on media by Trump leads to bomb attack against CNN
Mohammed Bin Salman, Reformer or Despot ?
Populism rising in Democracies
Rise of Populism and Xenophobia in Europe
Brexit Deal very close ?
After Banksy 's performance , the performance of multinational corporations destroying the most b