Born in 1964 - Previously photojournalist - full-time professional political cartoonist since 1997 . Resident cartoonist at the Bangkok-based newspaper THE NATION since 2003.
uyghur persecution
UN report of Uyghur persecution
Fact-check Twitter vs Liar Trump
Trump vs Twitter
2003 and 2020 lies
Another US case for war ?
Capitalism and COVID19
Will this pandemic the end of capitalism as we know it ?
Karma is a real bitch
Is COVID19 the way nature is responding to animal abuse ?
Coronavirus snowball
The death toll of the coronavirus is increasing day by day and no end in sight
Yes it's Brexit-Day
Brexit D-Day
the not-so-great wall of China
Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak
Chinese New Year and deadly Coronavirus
Chinese Lunar New Year + deadly Coronavirus = perfect storm
Haiti 10 years after the earthquake disaster
Haiti 10 years after -Haitian people are still waiting for the reconstruction
Carlos Ghosn the Great
Carlos Ghosn helds a press conference in Beirut after his escape from Japan
heavy protection for cartoonists
5 years later after Charlie Hebdo, cartoonists still feel like easy targets for extremism.
extremely stupid Mankind
recent bushfires in Australia