
Born in 1964 - Previously photojournalist - full-time professional political cartoonist since 1997 . Resident cartoonist at the Bangkok-based newspaper THE NATION since 2003.

Dictator that Trump hates

Trump loves all dictators except Maduro

Tomahawk of social media

incident at Lincoln memorial by pro-Trump students of a catholic school mocking a vietnam veteran

Make tantrum great again

The latest tremendous tantrum of Trump : his wall !!! But Nancy pelosi is not impressed

Bolsonaro and his bulldozeronaro

Bolsonaro wants to sacrify the Amazon rainforest - the last lung of our Planet

Ultimate Thule flyby

farthest NASA flyby in history at the frontier of the solar system

Bla Bla Bla New Year

Happy New Year 2019 despite the fact that we are heading towards a global catastrophy

Abandoning the Kurdish fighters to Erdogan

Abandoning the Kurdish fighters who were America's allies in the fight against ISIS

Japanese whalers are back

Japan leaves International Whaling Commission in order to resume commercial whaling

Whale hunt resumes

Japan leaves International Whaling Commission in order to resume commercial whaling

Japan leaves IWC

Japan leaves International Whaling Commission in order to resume commercial whaling

Revolution against multinational corporations

Revolution against multinational corporations which are controlling the politicians

Prayers for Indonesia after 3rd Tsunami in 2018

Prayers for Indonesia after 3rd Tsunami in 2018