Peace & justice

2014-2020 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

Since 2014, we have worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands each year to promote human rights, peace, justice and security, using cartoons and our network of cartoonists. Working with Dutch embassies all over the world, ambassadors were paired with cartoonists from our network to give guest lectures at schools and universities in several countries. Cartoonists showed the importance of their work, and ambassadors talked about the relevance of peace and justice.

Students were challenged by our cartoonists to come up with their own ideas to bring about sustainable peace and justice. Some of these ideas were turned into editorial cartoons by our network. Each year, the project culminated in a cartoon exhibition that was on display in several countries and at the iconic Peace Palace in The Hague.


Work from cartoonists

Editor's choice
Weight of the world

Childhood can be a wonderful thing, but for many children around the world it is just the...