
Although our cartoonists draw about a wide range of issues, some subjects get a lot of ink. On this page, you can find the collections we have created about these subjects, grouping together some of our favorite cartoons that provide different perspectives and global coverage.




China will become on of the dominating world powers in the 21st century. A country with a troubled history when it comes to human right and democracy, but also an economic behemoth that is lifting Chinese people from poverty at a pace unprecedented in human history. In this collection, our cartoonist share their perspectives on this massive country.


Black Lives Matter

After the death of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement rose up in protest against racism in the United States and around the world.


Hong Kong

Hong Kong was handed back to China from British control in 1997, but under a special agreement that guaranteed certain rights for 50 years. In recent years, widespread protest erupted against attempts of the Chinese government to get more control.


North Korea

A collection of cartoons about North Korea and Kim Jong-un.