I was born in Kırcaali (Bulgaria)in 1970. I graduated from’’ National High School of Applied Arts "Dimitar Dobrovich" - Sliven‘’in 1989.In 1991 I emigrated to Bursa,Turkey.Beside cartoons, I also deal with painting pictures.I have participated mani art exibitions,among them two my personal.I started to deal with cartoon in 2009 .I got many ranks from National and International contests.I am married and I have one child.
The world's greatest challenge.
The world's greatest challenge.
Ekrem İmamoglu .The new hope of Turkish democracy.
The new hope of Turkish democracy. The opposition candidate was the Mayor of Istanbul.
The new political cartoonist of New York Times.
The new political cartoonist of New York Times.
The salvation of the world ?!
The salvation of the world ?! ?
New generation revolutionary.
New generation revolutionary.
Our inevitable end. Are you ready?
Our inevitable end. Are you ready? Every side of our lives is full of passwords.
return home.
return home.frustration
Chief Macroni
Macron was inspired by the legendary native chief of Brazil, Raoni.
The seats of Erdogan.
The opposition won, but Erdogan does not want to give Istanbul.
benefits of virtual newspaper.
benefits of virtual newspaper. For many years corpses were covered with newspapers.
Difficult education migration.
Difficult education migration.
famine war ?
famine war ?
war and hope
war and hope
meat war
meat war
hungry army
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