
I was born in Kırcaali (Bulgaria)in 1970. I graduated from’’ National High School of Applied Arts "Dimitar Dobrovich" - Sliven‘’in 1989.In 1991 I emigrated to Bursa,Turkey.Beside cartoons, I also deal with painting pictures.I have participated mani art exibitions,among them two my personal.I started to deal with cartoon in 2009 .I got many ranks from National and International contests.I am married and I have one child.

Huge and dangerous flock.

Huge and dangerous flock.

We will win together!

We will win together! We will surely win!

Strict measures against covid 19

Strict measures against covid 19

Huge improvement in women's rights.

Huge improvement in women's rights.

Women’s Day .

Behind every successful woman is Herself. Have a wonderful Women's Day!

gender equality .

the point at which gender inequality begins.

political games

Politics is a populist and very dirty game. Everyone plays this game in their own interest.