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Iran Tightens Control Over Digital Space: The Rise of National Internet and Censorship

In recent months, Iranian authorities have intensified efforts to suppress freedom of expression, particularly in the digital space. With growing public discontent and widespread protests, the government has implemented a series of measures aimed at restricting access to the open internet and controlling the flow of information. One of the most controversial initiatives is the so-called “Protection of Users’ Rights in Cyberspace” bill, which, under the guise of protecting online users, effectively grants the government sweeping powers to censor content and monitor online activity.

The broader project of establishing a “national internet,” often referred to as the “National Information Network,” seeks to disconnect Iran from the global internet. This allows the regime to tightly control the information available to its citizens and block access to international websites and social media platforms. While framed as a means to enhance cyber security and data privacy, critics argue that these measures serve primarily to stifle dissent and limit Iranians’ access to uncensored news and free communication with the outside world.

These efforts come at a time when the Iranian government is facing growing internal and international pressure due to its human rights record. Cutting off access to the global internet and increasing censorship are seen as tactics to silence the voices of protesters and limit the spread of information during times of political unrest. This escalation in internet control represents a significant threat to the civil liberties of Iranian citizens, including their right to free speech and access to information.

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