Cartooning the future in Lithuania
The Next movement is the sister organization of Cartoon Movement, focusing on educational projects with editorial cartoons. Cartooning the Future is a program for Lithuanian youth that, through the power of cartoons, aims to inspire younger generations to think critically about Human Rights issues of the day. By way of honest and open dialogue we work towards shaping a united vision for a future we need moving forward.
This summer, we are inviting all cartoonist to be inspired by the ideas of Lithuanian youth:
Lithuanian youth need your skills for their voice to be heard! Cartoon Movement and The Next Movement invite YOU to turn their ideas and sketches about the future we need, into professional cartoons!
Your cartoon can be chosen to be shown in exhibitions across the world, starting with an exhibition at the Lithuanian Parliament in November, which will consist out of hopefully your cartoons representing the voice of Lithuanian youth!
How to participate? Check out the video, or read the instructions below:
Go to https://thenextmovement.global/projects/lithuania/, and scroll down to ‘Ideas of youth across Lithuania’
Check out which sketch/story inspires you, click on the title to read more
Choose which sketch/idea inspires you and turn their idea into a cartoon in your own style
Once you’re on the Sketcher’s page scroll down and click on ‘Are you a cartoonist?’ to register on TNM in order to be able to upload your cartoon.
Walk through our registration process
Find the sketch you want to turn into a cartoon and upload your cartoon representing the idea of a young person in Lithuania!
Do you also have an account on Cartoon Movement? Don’t forget to upload your new cartoon on there as well and mention the young person’s name to make sure you both receive the credits if the cartoon gets published!
(optional) we would love you to leave a comment for your young person! It would be great for them why their idea inspired you, and what you like about their idea or sketch!
We can’t wait to see your cartoons come up!
This project is an initiative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lithuania and The Next Movement in collaboration with Cartoon Movement.