
Cartoonist at AlGhad Daily Newspaper, Palestine, 2012-Present Managing editor at almaqar news website 2012 - 2014

Cartoonist at Alarab Alyawm Jordanian Daily Newspaper , 1997- 2012 Prepare the main caricature in the last page of the newspaper which covers various local, Arab and international political issues using different techniques to aid in reaching the concepts for the readers effectively. Produce a weekly page in the newspaper which focuses on the art of caricature Cartoonist at Al-Quds Daily Newspaper, Palestine, 1998-Present Prepare the main caricature in the last page of the newspaper specializing in Palestinian affairs in addition to caricature that represent various daily social aspects. Cartoonist at Al -Bilad Daily Newspaper, Ramallah, 1995-1997 Produce the main caricature in the last page of the newspaper and prepare sketches for short news stories and Portrait drawings
Cartoonist at Al-Dustour Daily Newspaper, Jordan, 1994-1995 Produce the weekly caricature for the political supplement for the newspaper which covers local, Arab and international events Cartoonist at Al-Moharrer Newspaper-France, 1990-1993 Participating in Arab and international political caricature drawings

Awards 1st Prize Yugoslavia Caricature , Yugoslavia, 2000. 1st Prize King Hussein Journalists Award of Excellence- Jordanian Press Association, Jordan, 2005. 1st Prize State Incentive Award , Ministry of Culture, Jordan , 2006. 1st Prize International Holocaust Cartoon Contest , Iran, 2006. 1St Prize Arab Journalism Award , Dubai, United Arab Emirates , 2009.
1st Prize King Hussein Journalists Award of Excellence- Jordanian Press Association, Jordan, 2010 . 3ed Prize . world press cartoon , 2012 , United Nations , USA.( award rejected over ‘Zionist links’ ). 3ed Prize World Press Freedom Cartoon Contest , Doha Centre for Media Freedom , Doha. Qatar 2013 .

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Freedom of Speech in the Arab World's Media

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