
Tjeerd Royaards is editorial cartoonist and cartoon editor for the Cartoon Movement.

Want to see more of my work? www.tjeerdroyaards.com

Floods in Europe

A direct consequence of our Western lifestyle.

Wealth accumulation

How the rich keep getting richer.

Mass tourism

The seemingly unstoppable force of mass tourism.

Forgotten war in Sudan

The main focus is on the violence in Gaza and Ukraine, while other conflicts are forgotten.

Unforeseen consequences...

Ukrainian forces continue to advance into Russia.

Ukrainian offensive

If the war in Ukraine was a Star Wars battle...

Just Stop Oil

In the UK, five Just Stop Oil activists receive record prison sentences for planning to shut down

This way, Mr. President

Joe Biden is under increasing pressure to step aside in favor of a younger candidate.

Holiday resort for war criminals

Pool freshly filled every day.


The Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision granting Donald Trump absolute immunity for off