Graduated in A. Applied and O. Artistics of Seville and Córdoba, Artistic Plastico-Illustrator; Exhibition in 1975 (Seville and Madrid) selected in painting contests; Andalusian Painters for Andalusia, National Sport in Art, Art Club, Sevilla Art etc. Individual exhibitions: being the most representative, 2011 (Paisajes de M. Macías) at the headquarters of RTVA in Seville, in the creative design section; He is the winner of the contest for the election of the Carroza (Goddess Palas Athena) for the Magi 2006 of the Ateneo de Sevilla. The Graphic Humor, after the painting is relevant in its activity as publications of satirical magazines (Humor EMA3) year 77, Official School of Cartoonists (CODES) years 81/82 participations in competitions and exhibitions of Graphic Humor; Collaborator of the Editorial Grupo Informría S.L (AGENDA of the company) Section "Ojo Crítico", 2003/2011. Cartoonist Platform (The Cartoon Movement Blog) in CARTOON international competitions of vignettes and cartoons, period 2010 to the current date.
In the United Kingdom, "EL BREXIT" has been diagnosed as a multiple personality disorder, accordi
Seville commemorates the V Centennial of the First World Tour.
Shield of the British Parliament consists of three lions pissed off
European Pantheon of Strasbourg
More than 138,000 dogs and cats were abandoned in Spain in 2017
The president has created a nursery in the white house to welcome helpless children.
Theresa Mayla, British Prime Minister, says that "nothing has changed" about the Gibraltar agreem
Public challenge to Pope Francis.
¡At Discover!
Curriculum according to the level of age in an underdeveloped country
Let's get that they are not small adults
The penitent "Rajoy" has a great judicial calvary left over the next few years,
On his first trip as the new president of Catalonia, Quim Torra visited ...
The assault of heroes to a remote island called Moncloa.
Puigdemont, as a character in his tragicomedy, reduced to a coward who has not had the decency to