After a working life in the banking ICT environment, now retired, I have resumed the old passion of cartoonist practiced when I was young.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman met with Jamal Khashoggi's son and expressed his condolences.
How many wars are still going on in the world ?.
Zuckerberg admits that Facebook has suffered another "theft" of 50 million user profiles. While I
Spain has problem with migrants?
Needless to be amazed, the reason will be there
look that I call the bogeyman !
Xi Jinping announces that China will invest a lot of money in Africa.
Israel has long been testing the possibility of life in extreme conditions.
Michael Cohen, a former Trump lawyer, pleads guilty to eight counts including buying the silence
The Turkish Lira collapses and with it also Erdogan's hopes of being able to play on several tabl
10 aug. 2018 The Turkish lira collapses. Erdogan shouts at the international conspiracy
A sower wanders around Europe.
Trump lashes out of the Media asserting that "much" of it is the "enemy of the people".