
CHRISTIAN MIRRA (Benevento, Italy 1977) is an Italian illustrator and writer, and a prolific author of comics. He lives in Santander (Spain) and he's the Founder and Art director of SmArt Studio, a team of six artists providing illustrations and comics to many clients around the world, mostly through the online staffing platform Upwork, where Christian is a "Top Rated Plus" freelancer.
Christian's works include graphic novels, comic strips, editorial cartoons, and book illustrations in a variety of styles and genres. Among his works:
- "Quella notte alla Diaz", an autobiographical graphic novel telling this own experience as a victim of the police raid in the "Diaz" school during the Genova G8 2001
-"Cielo Libre" , an illustrated collection of poems written by "desaparecidos" during Videla's dictatorship in Argentina
-"How to Fight off a Fundamentalist", an historical- satirical essay (written by Edward Craig) about Christian Fundamentalism.

Christian's online portfolio is www.christianmirra.com