yellow vests take over the EU

The yellow vests-protests are spreading through Europe

cut down coal, not trees

while fossil fuel plants are being build, forests are cut down.

The Very Hungry Putin

Russia has an ongoing hunger for Ukraine

US-China conflict

the dipute between USA and China is worsening due to the double tariffs on chinese import

Sticky Britain

Brexit has proved to be a sticky problem

Brexit deal. Finally!

Theresa May finally comes with a Brexitdeal-proposal

Trump's Caravan

Trump is desperately trying to stop the migrant caravan from Central America from entering the US

blue concrete

the democrats take back the house of congress, and thereby limit the president's power

no blue wave

The democratic Blue Wave during the midterm elections was minimal.

Trusted tradingpartners

All tradingpartners carry responsibility

Brazilian wax

A new meaning to the Brazilian hairstyle

Bolsonaro the Redeemer

Brazil has a new far-right crazy president

Risky Italy

Italy is coursing towards a huge budget deficit

Theresa in Brexitland

Theresa May is still looking for a way out of the EU