Art. 20: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
Art. 2: Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms in the declaration, without...
Philippine President Duterte's Drug War have garnered praises and criticism within and...
Trump and Kim Jung Un are both threat to Earth's peace and order.
June 12 2018 marks the 120th annversary of Philippine Indepedence from Spanish colonialism...
According to Philippine President Duterte, God is stupid. He mocks God in front of a...
Men and women of full age, without limitations, have the right to marry and to found...
Duterte's 3rd State of the Nation Address
Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing by an independent tribunal.
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven...
A famous Kuwaiti Social Media Influencer recently criticised the new law giving basic...
Duterte's remark "It's a little maritime accident" in the Chinese fishing vessel ramming a...
Natural disaster's traumatic effect on the mental health of the survivor / refugee.
One of the big threats in the fight against Covid-19 is the selfishness of some...
Criticism in time of coronavirus is dangerous especially in the Asian countries like the...
The heat exchange of Nuke talk between US President Trump and Nokor Leader Kim Jung-Un...
ISIS recent terror attack only proves how Evil their Brains are.
This is a Man-made infestation that killed the marine life - Plastic Garbage