A mass amount of import of soy, palm oil and meat is sucking up our forests worldwide...
The contagious water that cools the broken nuclear plant in Fukushima will be discharged...
More tha 1 in 5 species of reptiles face extinction (survey by International Union for...
Greta Thunberg: "G7 leaders present empty commitments on climate, repeating old promises."
December 14 - international Monkey Day. Nothing human is alien to the APE. And vice versa...
The limitations of natural resources are often not realized by humans, indiscriminate...
Cartoon by Timo Essner on humanity and planet Earth, the complex system of nature itself...
the progress of human civilization, will have an impact on air pollution, if the use of...
Massive 7,8r earthquake in Turkey kills countless so far people.
It goes without saying that Industry and technology are essential for easy living, but the...