Cartoonist 2 Cartoonist

Cartoonist 2 Cartoonist

2021 – Instagram

On average, we get between 10 and 20 applications from aspiring cartoonists looking to join our network every week. The majority of them, we have to turn down, because they are not good enough (yet) to meet our publication standards.

Our policy is to reply to everyone; nothing is more frustrating than sending out applications and getting no response at all. However, the question we get most often in response to a rejection is if we can give some constructive feedback. We understand this, because good feedback is the best way to improve your style.

Unfortunately, giving full and constructive feedback to every applicant would probably be a day job. That’s why we Cartoonist 2 Cartoonist. In C2C, CM editors Ema Del Rosso and Tjeerd Royaards go on Instagram about once a month to give live feedback on selected cartoons. The feedback is constructive and meant to help the cartoonist to develop their style further and make his or her work better.

If you would like feedback on your work, you can send in your cartoons to and you might get selected.


Season 1

Watch Episode 1

Watch Episode 2

Watch Episode 3

Watch Episode 4


Season 2

Watch Episode 1

Watch Episode 2

Watch Episode 3

Watch Episode 4

Watch Episode 5


Work from cartoonists

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