Award winning comic book artist, Illustrator and cartoonist.
A dig at the blatant racism of the tory government in Britain.
The racist policies of the UK government.
The ongoing seemingly eternal war that the rich would have us engaged in.
Prime Minister May gears up for another useless war.
Boris Johnston Britains Foreign Secretary has been exposed lying to the world yet again.
The tory government continues to blame Russia for the Skripol attack but does not supply real evi
Bloated bufoon Boris Johnston continues to embarass himself and the entire UK.
Theresa May edging the UK to a war to save her failing government much like her idol Thatcher did
The mixture of twisted Chriistianity and gun loving make for a dangerous mix.
Another school shooting in America
Tory MP Jacob Reis-Mogg is courting the worst elements of right wing Britain.
Based on a British comic strip from my childhood.
Theresa May appears in Forbes Magazines list of the '100 Most Powerful Women in the World' at num
A take on the British tradition of Pantomime exposing May's government for what they really are.
As the West stuffs itself over the Xmas period the bobming and famine continue in Yemen...and oth