
I am an italian architect and cartoonist, living between Milan and Trento. Drawing has always been my language to express ideas, needs, creativity. I'm actually working as a professional architect, as a partner of the firm called "quasark675". With my cartoons I'm contributing to some social-cultural projects, where I am particularly interested in the power of images to communicate quickly and universally. On the beginning of 2016, I took part on the birth of "Kon.fu. - Kondominio Fumettisti", a cartoonists group based in Trento and growing also thanks to the precious support of the "Studio d'Arte Andromeda". I'm also collaborating, with the cultural magazine “UCT - Uomo Città Territorio” and working on the illustrations of a new Children's Book.

26/04/86 - 30 years from Chernobyl

Happy birthday dear disaster!

watering... oilering

farming the economical growth

unstable balance

unbalanced balances in the world, rich vs poor, men vs women, north vs south

New European migration policies

looking for divine help...