
Breve Curriculum I was born in Cordoba, Argentina on 21 November 1966. In 1991 I graduated in architecture from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, professions exercising independently. Cartoonist freelance, Post and published in Saltalarisa(Arg), Panza Verde (Arg), 20diez (Arg), Tango Reporter ( Los Angeles,EEUU), Chochan (Arg), Mística Albiazul(Arg), Todo Bien (Arg), Diario el Tribuno (Arg), El Portal (Arg), Angel Vicente (Arg), Risotto Fanzine (Arg), MundoTalleres (Arg). Selected works by more than forty international competitions

Awards First Prize IV The international competition "Humor i salut", Lleida, España 2009 Special Prize II Molla Nasreddin-Azerbaijan 2009 Excellency Prize Romanian Great Personalities (Caricaturas), Rumania 2008 Best Cartoon Prize Dicaco 2009, Corea Best Cartoon Prize Dicaco 2010, Corea Thema Prize Dicaco 2012, Corea Best Cartoon Prize Sicaco 2013, Corea Mención II Salón Nacional del Humor; Pérez, Argentina 2007 Mención I Salón Internacional de Humor Gráfico y Educación Vial; Argentina 2007 Mención V Freecartoonsweb, China 2006 (Cartoon de Nalbandian) Bronce IV Freecartoonsweb, China 2005 (Cartoon de Maradona) Selected Prize Red Man Cartoon 2010 (Cartoon de Maradona) Selected Prize Spirito di Vino , Italy 2011 Third prize Cartoon XVI Salon Mercosur Internacional Premio Diogenes Taborda , Argentina 2011 Mención Humor grafico XVI Salon Mercosur Internacional Premio Diogenes Taborda , Argentina 2011 Mencion Viñetazo 2011, Cordoba, Argentina 2012 Mención Especial Premio "Reacción": 2IS2013 Bolivia 2013 2nd Place Winner Sketchololic contest Jimmy Fallon 2013

Flag of Ukraine

While Russian bombing continues, two million people have now fled from Ukraine, according to the

the garden of Putin

el jardinero Putin y su jardin de hongos nucleares

violence chat

violence through a chat reflected in the emoticons

Sms violence

psychological violence by text messages on the cell phone

reyes magos

la estrella guia de los reyes magos

woman afganistan

situacion de las mujeres en afganistan