
Carol Simpson CartoonWork is a collaboration between artist Estelle Carol and writer Bob Simpson. Estelle is a native New Yorker. Bob is from Washington DC.

We hope that our cartoons motivate people to question our dysfunctional socio-economic system. We are strong supporters of the labor movement, which for all of its blemishes, is the most diverse social movement in the USA today. We will only create a more humane world if there is an educated, democratic, diverse and well organized working class movement to do the job.

CEO Temp Agencies

What if there were temporary work agencies for the corporate elite?

Santa's Letter

You didn't really think the elves did all that work did you?

The Drums of War

Addiction to oil is driving war in the Middle East

The New Machine

Workers around the world are unnecessarily injured at their jobs.

Republican Party Solidarity

The Republican Party has become the biggest political force for racism and white supremacy in the

Job Stress

If you want to reduce job stress, organize!

The collapse of the universe

Wall Street investors think they really are the center of the universe

Hauling away capitalism

The capitalist system is broken beyond repair

Cuts in US Social Security benefits

The Very Serious People are still demanding austerity.

The USA needs Medicare

Medicare is a family value

Let's play a little game

Children should be at home, at play or at school.

Exactly how how many people work for me?

How many workers die every year because of corporate greed?

International Crime

The existence of global capitalism requires the most skillful criminals.

Everything in moderation

The whole truth is so inconvenient sometimes.