"Raising the Rent" is a cartoon that attacks the greed and callousness of the real estate industry.
1080 x 1350 px

Raising the Rent

"Raising the Rent" is a cartoon that attacks the greed and callousness of the real estate industry which is pushing more and more people into precariousness and onto the streets. The proliferation of predatory corporate landlords such as REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) are strangling renters across Canada and beyond by raising rents and abetting the financialization of housing. Meanwhile the widening gap between the rich and poor in Canada and beyond continues to break records. Housing is not a commodity, it's a human right!

Originally published January 26, 2024.

- Use in a business presentation.
- Use in the classroom.
- Use on personal website/blog.
- Use on non-profit website/newsletter.
- All licenses include the right to publish on social media channels.
- Free custom video slideshow when you purchase four cartoons or more.

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