Cartoon based on the iconic image of soldiers raising an American flag at Iwo Jima. In this cartoon, children are raising a white flag amidst the destruction of war. The end of the flag is transforming into a flock of doves of peace that take flight.
2480 x 3507 px
Editor's choice

Free & fair world

Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. This cartoon is part of the booklet Cartoons for Human Rights, illustrating all the articles of the UDHR, which you can download here.

- Use in a business presentation.
- Use in the classroom.
- Use on personal website/blog.
- Use on non-profit website/newsletter.
- All licenses include the right to publish on social media channels.
- Free custom video slideshow when you purchase four cartoons or more.

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