7441 x 5262 px

The Regime with the Ruthless Blade of Justice

The Regime with the Ruthless Blade of Justice

In the judicial system of the Islamic Republic, judgment has become a tool for suppressing and silencing the voices of protesters. The state-sanctioned killings of defendants, reminiscent of medieval times when a ruthless blade was brought down on the necks of defenseless accused in the name of justice, claim the lives of our fellow citizens daily. Here, the law serves not as a protector of the people’s rights, but as an instrument for consolidating the regime’s power.

The Islamic Republic ranks first in the world in executions per capita. Besides political defendants, a large number of those executed are accused of drug offenses, murder, and more. Meanwhile, discrimination, injustice, poverty, ideology, economic failures stemming from government mismanagement, and other root causes of crime persist, proving that executions do not bring about the welfare and prosperity of society, nor do they solve any problems.

Political and ideological prisoners, who witness the cruelty of execution sentences every day, have had no choice for weeks but to resort to hunger strikes on Thursdays and Tuesdays, or continuous hunger strikes, to draw international attention.

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I have great respect for Iranians for persevering and protesting against such an oppressive government.

Three extraordinary cartoons. Don't forget to read the text.

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