4400 x 3320 px

If Only

What's happening to the Palestinians right now is nothing short of a Holocaust. And yes, I’m using the word deliberately—because even Holocaust survivors are calling it that. People who lived through the worst atrocities of the 20th century are looking at what’s happening in Gaza and seeing the same horrors unfold. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International Criminal Court—they’ve all said the same thing: this is genocide, plain and simple. But Israeli officials and their chorus of supporters keep rejecting these terms – they still insist this is some normal local conflict. Tthe evidence is right in front of us shouting this is not. One scroll through TikTok or Twitter, and you’re met with stomach-turning footage from the IDF and their soldiers, practically flaunting their crimes.

Let’s not mince words here. The IDF has been accused of war crimes that read like something out of a nightmare—prisoners raped to death, medics deliberately targeted with drones, journalists picked off by snipers, refugee camps bombed into oblivion, hospitals and schools obliterated, innocent people murdered. And just to twist the knife, they’ve weaponized the Holocaust, using the unspeakable suffering of Jews at the hands of the Nazis as a shield to silence anyone daring to criticize them. You can’t make this stuff up. Now, the UN says Israel is threatening to starve out northern Gaza. We’ve gone from the playbook of war to the textbook definition of mass annihilation.

Yet here we are, pretending this is just another "normal conflict." It’s not. History won’t be kind to those who stood by and said nothing. This is genocide. This is a Holocaust.

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