
Marian Kamensky was born on 1st April 1957 in Levoca, Slovakia. When he was 12, they moved to the village of Hrachovo, where he began drawing. When he finished school, he worked as a glass blower in Poltar. Two years later he moved to Prague in the Czech Republic, where he worked setting up props at the famous Vinohrady Theater.

In 1981 Marian Kamensky moved to Hamburg, Germany where studied Lithography at the Hamburg Arts College. In 1982, he began illustrating the satirical books of Gabriel Laub. He also created illustrations for adventure books by Rudiger Nehberg, and the Biology/Zoology literature of Christian Kuehl. For a number of years, his artworks have been published in numerous newspapers and magazines in many countries of Europe (Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Focus, Nebelspalter, Eulenspiegel, Psychologie heute, etc) and in the United States and Canada (Playboy, The New York Sun, The Humanist, etc).

In 2001, he returned to Slovakia, where he lived and worked in Rimavska Sobota. His artworks were presented at many exhibitions (we can mention at least Gallery Schnecke Hamburg, Gallery Futurum Hamburg, Galerie Dobach Wurselem, Gallery Artica Cuxhaven, Gallery Stein Gelsenkirchen, Gallery Das Auge Lauda, Gallery VITA Swiss, etc).

In 2010 Marian Kamensky moved to Austria, where he lives in Vienna and continues in his creative work on the field of illustrations and cartooning.