750 x 655 px

One IS NOT like the other... LET THE DANCE-OFF BEGIN

WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WEEK MAKES. Kool Kamala with a smile, spring in her step AND SMARTS vs a crotchety, dark, lying, autocrat-wanna-be, 78 year old bad dancer. Wish all we needed was a dance-off to determine the winner !!!!

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Thanks for you comment Pete. Not sure how you see my work as extreme.... by USA standards I am anything but extreme. This latest series is to show the difference in the candidates running for president here in the states. Unlike those across the pond.... who are so very engaged and informed about our crazy political climate. My friends in Australia and New Zealand surprise me on how much they know. Mary Zins was a true talent and treasure. SUCH A LOSS. As for the murdered English girls... NOTHING in the news about that here....which is disgusting..... hence no cartoon by me. Obviously you have never seen any of the over 300 compassionate and outraged cartoons I have done about gun violence here in the states. Innocent souls are killed daily.... and that doesn't hit the news either anymore..... because of one political party that loves guns over kids... now THAT is extreme. thank for reaching out.......Deb

Dear Deb,
I see that you’ve posted five cartoons, and none of them are a tribute or a reflection on the three little girls murdered and nine others injured by an Islamist in Southport, England yesterday. I’m surprised, because you are a woman and women are nurturers.
I don’t know if you’ve been here long enough to remember our colleague Mary Zins. Mary’s politics leaned left, but she always — always — found time to create a beautiful illustration to reflect on a tragedy or atrocity like the one in Southport. This is why we loved her and made her passing all the more sadder.
You are an excellent cartoonist Deb. I greatly admire and appreciate your unique edgy style, and you are skilled far beyond anything I could ever aspire to. Your politics are however extreme, and this is why unfortunately I can never vote for your work.
I would hope that you could one day catch the compassion of the great Mary Zins and begin to look with compassion at the greater outside world, and that this would reflect in your work.
With respect,
Pete Kreiner

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