750 x 559 px

Gun Happy Xtreme Court

Again the conservative court shape shifted the constitution to their will…. And access to machine-gun-making BUMP STOCKS are AOK again. Ethically challenged Justice Thomas wrote the opinion and became THE expert (forget about ATF warnings)… Thomas went to a right wing site … got a GIF = expert. BUT… as much as the Thomas opinion is being criticized for it’s parsing and wrong-headedness … HE DID NOT ACT ALONE. 5 other XTREME justices agreed with him. DO NOT say you are “pro life and must BAN a woman’s right to choose to save the unborn” when you remove a BAN on machine-gun-like-weapons!!!! XtremeCourtOfTheUS indeed. Personal Note: we had dear friends visit us from Australia a month ago. They toured all over our beloved USA.... and through it all ...my thought was .... please don't see a shooting. THEIR LUCK HELD and they didn't....what a sad statement on our gun happy society.

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