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A Black Nazi

I don’t put much stock in civility politics. Too often, it's wielded like a blunt instrument against outsiders who dare challenge the establishment. But even I have my limits—there has to be a line. And people like Mark Robinson? They should be nowhere near the controls of power. He’s not just a menace, he’s a clear and present danger to democracy itself.

How does anyone support this guy? CNN dropped a bombshell of a report, and as if that wasn’t enough, he's been spewing bile for years that should’ve torpedoed his career from the start. He’s openly called for killing political opponents, denied the Holocaust ever happened, claimed Michelle Obama is a man, said transgender women should be arrested, called homosexuals "filth," and, for good measure, threw in some wild garbage about Jewish bankers being one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Oh, and let’s not forget, he thinks the moon landing and 9/11 were probably fake. This man is certifiable!

Look, I get it—Republicans don’t like Democrats, and Democrats don’t like Republicans. Fine. But like I said, there has to be a goddamn line. North Carolina Republicans, you don’t have to vote for Josh Stein, but for the love of all things holy, don’t vote for a guy who calls himself a Nazi, wants to reinstate slavery, and fantasizes about gunning down his political enemies. This is the lowest bar in history!

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1 Comment

Robinson is so bizarrely insane that it's comical. It's hard to believe he's a real politician with power in the United States and not a cartoon villain.

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