4400 x 3320 px

All Show, No Substance

With just two weeks to go before the election, Trump pulls a staged photo-op at a McDonalds, this time dodging a question about raising the minimum wage. When asked if he supports raising the minimum wage, all he had to say was, "Well, iI think this. These people work hard," Trump said. "They're great. And I just saw something — a process that's beautiful." Classic Trump. All flash, zero substance.

Let’s cut the crap: Trump doesn’t support raising the minimum wage, never has, and never will. His administration, backed by the GOP, fought against it during his presidency, and they’ve been fighting it ever since Biden took over. This isn’t even up for debate.

That being said: as far as campaign moves go, this one’s pretty sharp. It makes him look relatable to the same working-class voters he spent four years screwing over. Photo ops like this are essential for him because, policy-wise, Trump’s got nothing for the average American worker. He’s anti-labor, despises unions, and let’s not forget the one major legislative “achievement” of his presidency: a tax cut for the rich. The idea that Trump cares about the working man is a joke.

And yeah, I know this sounds petty, but as someone who used to work at McDonald’s, I can tell you that the drive-thru is one of the hardest jobs in the place, and surprise—Trump wasn’t doing that. It was a staged event, plain and simple. He wasn’t working. He was posing.

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